Friday, December 7, 2007

Old to do:

I just opened up the Stickies program on my mac which I haven't used in ages. Here is my list from September 17th:

To Do:
find fedex center for my box/price for USPS
learn subway
see Annie
search for Nanny jobs
search for promo jobs
search for bank jobs

Well I guess the good news looking back is that I got a few things done, (though a nanny job that pays 400 a week would still be a bonus at this point.)


Witten said...

Yay I love finding those... I make one of those almost everyday... with pretty much the same stuff on it for weeks! Makes me realize how much I don't ever get done, and why Im so good at making lists.

I love you!
Be home already!!!

Follow Your Bliss said...

why don't you be a dog-walker? how cool would that be roaming the streets with your own entourage of folks who already "get it".

11 more days til the Thai team is reunited!!