Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 1

This morning started with my favorite cereal and some almond milk
(which I already love). And now this wonderful salad for lunch. I was
giddy while making this salad, thinking about all the animals I'll be
saving (or at least not contributing to the meat industry and their
deaths) by this new life choice. I have a feeling this change will
actually be really easy. Bring it on!

This shirt is from jr high and has always been a favorite, so since it still fits I wore it to my presentation in ethics today on animal rights. I also brought my cute dog Tink along, to more easily sway the audience to my side. The presentation went really well.


Jules said...

Almond milk? I'm intrigued. Good for you for doing the whole vegetarian thing. I don't think I could ever have the self-control.

amy said...

that salad looks divine!